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Sunday, December 23, 2007
PEIXUAN posted at 5:00:00 PM | 0 Noticed Me

thr's mch t lgh bt.
haha. i had lasagne just now. :D
it's really really nice.. after days of soft food. hehe. the chewy cheese is good. but i can't really chew. oh wells.

i find that there's a lot of funny things happening while i'm at home for the past week.

take my dad for exmple, i can't help laughing at him every now and then. sometimes he just does silly things. and just now, he was saying smth bout the bee building the nest outside. normally he wouldn't bother about it you see.

when my mom (whose watching the encore of star awards now) was saying that the guy performing now looks like aaron kwok, in terms of dance etc. , but aaron kwok's dance steps are smoother, my dad asked, "you got watch him before meh?"
i was like..? cause i rmbed going with them to watch his concert! and dad actually forgets that. i was laughing bout it but he just not know what's going on. LOL.
and mom still add "ya. i dreamt of it."

and also the time when he was saying smth bout my brother, behaving like a nuisance when he doesnt want to sleep at night. i laughed till my gums hurt so much. HAHAHA. and after trying not to laugh for a while, i continued to laugh again.
it's really bad, that i still want to laugh the next morning. i was actually drinking water, and because it hurts when i laugh, i tried biting onto the cup to stop laughing. and my teeth hurts!
and because i find myself so silly, i continued laughing some more.

and i think it's not because it's really funny, but just me.

i noticed a bruise on my left cheek today. it's really obvious. and my mom have been telling me that for days. i only saw it yesterday. maybe it's just my eye sight. maybe.
my gums are really itchy now too. :O

hmm.. i wonder which is better. after eight or cadbury or ferrero rocher or merci. rarr. they're all good.

shall stop here.

Friday, December 21, 2007
PEIXUAN posted at 12:14:00 PM | 0 Noticed Me

hello! today i'm feeling rather fine. after days of being nauseous and giddy.
i've been wanting to chew my food so much, but i just have to wait til i can do so.

here's the list of food i want to eat when i'm able to:
1. fish & co.'s "best fish & chips in town"
2. gummies (be it bears, snakes, cola bottles. any gummies)
3. peach milk tea (with those pearls)
4. lasagne (cheesy and meaty)
5. pizza (i want to taste the chewy cheese! i wonder what cheese is that..)
6. crab beehoon! ( along with the butter crab!)
7. sandwiches with ham and cheese
8. sushi (stuffing the whole piece in and CHEW CHEW CHEW)

damn i am looking forward to that day!

and guess what happened yesterday!
i was watching travel and living, hoping to see some very tasty food on a culinary show.. but there's this traveller who's at this who-knows-what town. the show was alright till some locals served him 'sheep head soup'. :O they scooped the whole sheep head onto a plate, and the soup into a bowl. and the man was digging here and there in the sheep's head! and the head does not look appetising one bit.
i find it so gross i want to puke! i quickly turned off the tv and head to my room and try to fall asleep cos i really dun want to vomit.
it's something they really should not air on tv ok!

i think i shall go watch tv after this. i hope for some culinary show and not some stupid-traveller-eating-disgusting-food show.

xoxo, px

Wednesday, December 19, 2007
PEIXUAN posted at 11:03:00 AM | 0 Noticed Me

i can't do anything or go anywhere now. the surgery hurts like crap.
i can't eat chocolates or candies or fish & chip at the moment. boo!

my face is swelling up so much that i wonder who's that person i see in the mirror.
and damn! those teeth in the bag looks a bit like candy. :(
while trying to sleep last night, my gums are bleeding like nobody's business. i woke up 4 times just to change the bloody gauze.
and i'll be really sad if my period comes now. i dun wan to lose any more blood! :(

i want and need to go shop for x'mas presents! i didn't know i would be left with so little time! rarr!!!
anybody wants to help me with the shopping? pls pls pls!

i wish brenda a bon voyage too.

signed, peixuan