aargh! i love this skin! it's been ages since i saw something as nice as this!
here's what. i want to be a cardiologist in future.
but for now.. i just hope to excel in biology.
and being able to identify the correct blood vessels and everything.
here's some note to myself:
-the capillary is in between the artery and vein
-the air sacs thingy are called alveoli
-it is external intercoastal muscle. not outcoastal muscle.
-tricuspid valves are at the right atrium,
-bicuspid valves are on the left.
-the valves at the pulmonary artery and aortis arch are called semi-lunar valves.
-the developing shoot is called plumule
-that water hole is radicle
-the seed coat is called testa
-the rest inside is cotyledons
-building up of uterus lining takes abt 5 days after menstruation.
-11 days after menstruation is the fertile period. ovulation takes place.
-day 18 is not fertile day anymore.
-oestrogen - repair and bulids up the uterus lining, inhibits ovulation, stimulates pituitary gland to secrete luteinising hormones.
-LH - causes ovulation, cause the formation of corpus luteum.
-corpus luteum secretes progesterone.
-progesterone - maintain the thickness of the uterus lining to prepare it for implantation, inhibits FSH and LH production.
-follicle stimulating hormone - stimulates development of the follicles and also secretion of oestrogen in the ovaries.
i shall post more notes some other day.
i hope i can get it into my head.
since i always visit my blog. RARR!
anyway, i think this method kinda works.. hehe..
people, you should try it too..!!
love, peixuan.